Date: June 13, 2024
Time: 10:00-12:30 p.m.
MSDE held a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. via Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the public hearing was to receive public comment on the provision of child care services under the proposed 2025-2027 Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) plan. Citizens, members of the public, and all those having a vested interest in early childhood education in Maryland could attend the hearing and provide oral and written comments. Those who wished to attend the hearing must have completed the registration form by 6/13/2024. Those who also wished to make a public comment at the hearing must have made their request known within the request form by June 12, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Each participant was allotted 5 minutes to make their comments.
Those unable to attend the meeting or wished to submit comments in writing could do so via online form.
Draft Plan Disclaimer
This document is a draft version of the Maryland Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan and is currently under development. The content herein is subject to change and may not yet reflect the final policies, procedures, or strategies that will be implemented. Sections may be incomplete or intentionally left blank as part of the ongoing planning and review process.
Key considerations regarding this draft plan include:
- Work in Progress: This draft is part of an iterative process and will be updated as new information becomes available and as feedback is incorporated. Consequently, the content may contain errors, incomplete information, or provisional text.
- Content Review: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, the document is still under review. Stakeholders are advised that the material may include grammatical errors and other editorial issues that will be addressed in future revisions.
- Policy Development: The strategies, guidelines, and procedures outlined in this draft plan are tentative and may not represent the final decisions of the Maryland State Department of Education or other governing bodies involved in the administration of the CCDF.
- Feedback and Input: Stakeholder feedback is essential for refining this plan. We welcome input and suggestions to help improve the accuracy, relevance, and effectiveness of the final document.
- Use of Information: Any use of the information provided in this draft plan should be done with caution. Stakeholders and readers should not rely on the draft content for decision-making or implementation purposes until the final version is officially released.
This draft plan is intended for internal use and discussion only and should not be distributed or referenced as a final document.