Contact Us

Child Care Scholarship

Questions/Comments? Contact CCS Central 2 at 1-877-227-0125 or submit a form at

Basic Health and Safety Training

Questions? Information is available here on the Basic Health and Safety Training webpage or email sends e-mail)

File a Complaint

To file a complaint against a program that you believe is violating a child care licensing law or regulation email sends e-mail) or contact a Regional Licensing Office.

Have a question about another topic? Contact the MSDE-Division of Early Childhood using the form below.

All Early Childhood Public Information Act (PIA) requests must be submitted in writing at:
MSDE Public Information Act Request
200 W. Baltimore Street 7th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
or email: sends e-mail)

Email Security Warning!

When sending an email to the Division of Early Childhood, DO NOT include information such as your full social security number (use only the last 4 digits), bank account numbers, routing numbers, or any other sensitive information.

If you wish to send sensitive information, email a description of the issue (without the sensitive data), and let us know you have confidential information to send.

MSDE Directory