$125 Million in Funding Provided by American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 for Eligible Child Care Programs
Grant Application Opens: January 3, 2022
Grant Application Submission Deadline: January 23, 2022 by 6:00pm (EST) CLOSED
Grant Period: From January 3, 2022 to December 31, 2022
Grant Amount: Awards will be distributed in the following ways:
$10,000 base award
Additional funds per-licensed child care slot, per the following criteria:
- Infants (6 weeks to 12 months) an additional $126.00 per licensed child care slot for providers that serve infants
- Toddlers (13 months to 23 months) an additional $126.00 per licensed child care slot for providers that serve toddlers
- Child Care Scholarship*** an additional $126.00 per licensed child care slot for providers who enroll children that participate in the Child Care Scholarship program
- Maryland EXCELS an additional $126.00 per licensed child care slot for all eligible providers who are participating in the Maryland EXCELS program with a rating of 1-5
- Social vulnerability an additional $126.00 per licensed child care slot for all eligible providers located in a census tract with a Social Vulnerability Index of greater than .6
*The balance of any unutilized funds made available from providers not seeking a grant award will be distributed to all grant-awarded providers evenly, per licensed slot.
**The MSDE will use the number of licensed child care slots on record at the Department as of December 15, 2021 to calculate program funding amounts.
***For the purpose of the grant award, MSDE determines eligibility based on whether or not a program has invoiced the MSDE for payment between June 2021 and December 15, 2021.
All grants are taxable. Please consult your tax professional.
How to Spend Stabilization Grant Funds & Show Expenses
Applicants certified to comply with the certifications during the application process, once they have received the funding and throughout the grant term.
Stabilization Grants DO NOT have to be repaid as long as you meet all of the required certifications listed on the grant application.
Information on each category in the application with a definition of the category and how to show expenses.
- Personnel costs, benefits, premium pay, and recruitment and retention
- Rent or mortgage payments, utilities, facilities maintenance and improvements, or insurance
- Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, or training and professional development related to health and safety practices
- Purchases of, or updates to, equipment and supplies to respond to COVID-19
- Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services
- Mental health supports for children and employees
- Past expenses
This tracking tool, created by First Children's Finance, is designed to be adapted by providers to meet their needs. It lists all possible categories of expenditures and provides a tool for tracking expenditures for a 12-month period. (This is for your personal records and recordkeeping.)
What is the Child Care Stabilization Funding Program?
The Biden Administration released $39 billion of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to states, territories, and tribes to address the child care crisis caused by COVID-19. These funds will help child care providers and early childhood educators keep their doors open. These providers have been on the frontlines caring for the children of essential workers and support parents, especially mothers, who want to get back to work. To learn more about the funding program, click here.
This funding opportunity constitutes the second round of Maryland’s Child Care Stabilization Grant Program. The Division of Early Childhood within the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is providing this funding opportunity to address the hardships faced by child care providers and to address the instability of the child care market as a whole. These funds are a critical step to pave the way for a strong economic recovery and a more equitable future.
In the fall of 2021, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released $158 million in stabilization funding to more than 5,000 child care providers throughout the state (program round one). The MSDE will now release the remaining approximately $128 million to its child care providers.
Who is eligible?
This funding opportunity is designed to stabilize existing child care programs, not fund the start-up of new child care programs that are not yet operating. Applicants may be a family child care home provider, a large family child care home provider, a child care center, or an education program under a Letter of Compliance. To be eligible for a grant payment under this funding opportunity, applicants must meet one criteria from each column below:
- Applicants who received funding in funding round one are eligible to receive funding again in round two.
- Applicants who own or operate more than one child care location must submit separate applications for each site.
Are Head Start and Early Head Start programs eligible for this grant?
No, Head Start and Early Head Start programs not eligible to receive ARP Stabilization Grant funds
How to apply
The MSDE is only accepting online applications through the link. Please do not send scanned copies, faxes, or written/printed applications. Only applications submitted online via the survey link will be considered. A PDF copy of the application is included at the end of the guide so child care providers can begin to prepare for their submission in advance. Providers without computer access can also submit their application via the weblink on their mobile device.
What if I need help with the application?
The MSDE will hold virtual customer service support sessions throughout the application window for providers that have questions about the application and process. Register and join a session at https://earlychildhood.marylandpublicschools.org/upcoming-events. Check this webpage for updates. The MSDE will host three types of support sessions and will also post recordings of each type of session on its website:
- DOCUMENTATION NEEDED Webinar: The MSDE will provide an overview of the grant program and will walk attendees through where to find and how to complete the various documents required to finish and submit the grant application form. The MSDE will respond to questions with available time remaining. (Session 1 Recording)
- APPLICATION FORM Webinar: The MSDE will walk attendees through each question of the grant application form. The MSDE will respond to questions with available time remaining.
- QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Virtual Open Session: These sessions will be time for questions and answers so that the MSDE can provide as much tailored support for child care providers as possible.
Session 1 Recording Session 4 Recording Sessions 1 & 4 Presentation
Session 2 Recording Session 5 Recording
Session 3 Recording Session 6 Recording
What is the grant timeline?
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Do you have any questions?
If you have questions about the application or the process prior to the opening of the application window, you can contact MSDE staff via:
- email at childcaregrants.msde@maryland.gov or
- by completing this inquiry form
A customer service specialist will respond to all inquiries within 24 hours or the next business day.