*Update (4/29/2021)* Grants have been processed and payments have been issued. Not all payments will be sent at the same time as processing is occurring.
Purposes for which COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Grant funds can be used:
- Costs of decreased enrollment
- Costs of reduced capacity limits due to state or local restrictions
- Costs of temporary closures related to coronavirus
- Fixed costs
- Increased operating expenses
- Cleaning and sanitation
- Personal Protective Equipment or PPE
- Increased salaries or wages for staff
Quick FAQs:
- When will I receive my payment? We cannot provide you with an exact date. All payments have not been issued at the same time, each application is processed individually. Payments are being processed and distributed daily. Check your banking accounts or mail for payments.
- Was my application received? There is a list of “Received Applications” at the bottom of the this webpage. Search for your Name or Licensing Number in the list. If your information is on the list your application has been received by MSDE. If you believe your name has been omitted please email earlychildhood.msde@maryland.gov. Be sure include the program name, license number and address.
- How to search - Select "Ctrl and F" at the same time and a box will open in the upper right hand corner of the list. Enter your name or license number in the search box.
- Is this grant taxable? Yes, you will receive a 1099 for the pandemic relief grant funds from the Office of the Comptroller. Child care providers that receive a grant have a reporting obligation on Form 1099-G if the amount is above $600. Therefore, you would need to file 1099-Gs to avoid penalties for failure to file (Internal Revenue Code Section 6721) or failure to furnish (§6722).