Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 7:15am
- Rental or Lease Properties: Form 1296 must be signed by anyone applying for a registration. For those currently operating a child care program in a rented or leased property, this form must be submitted prior to your anniversary month.
- Pool Regulation: All providers with a pool must meet the new regulation by May 15, 2020, prior to summer. This will be enforced during inspections after this date. If you have not applied for the Family Child Care Provider Grant, you can apply for up to $500 to defer some of the cost.
- Criminal Background Checks (CBCs)/RAP Back: Maryland currently has a waiver for the full implementation of the CBC's. The waiver has granted the providers the ability to "watchdog" an employee until CBC's are received until September 30, 2020. ALL Providers must be fingerprinted for the Rap Back program immediately.
- Medical Evaluations: For child care centers only, by September 1, 2020, medical evaluations must have been conducted within 5 years of the previous medical evaluation. If a center staff person has not had a medical evaluation in 6 years or more, they must have a new one by September 1, 2020. If they have one conducted in the last 2 years, they would not need one for 3 more years.
- Health & Safety Training Requirements: H&S training must be completed within 90 days of employment if hired or registered after January 13, 2020. If not completed by current/active providers/staff, it must be completed by June 30, 2020.
Regulations will only be available on the website until February 28, 2020.
After February 28, the regulations will only be available from the Division of State Documents. The Division of State Documents will no longer allow the Division of Early Childhood/Office of Child Care to post the regulations on the website.
Providers will have to purchase copies of the regulations from the State Documents. The Office of Child Care, Division of Early Childhood and MSDE will not be permitted to give out or share the regulations.