FROM: The State Superintendent of Schools
TO: Local School System Superintendents
Thank you for adhering to our June 10, 2020, guidance on reopening of schools as a result of the State’s progression through stage two of Governor Hogan’s Roadmap to Recovery. This included keeping buildings closed to any groups of students, staff, or outside groups. My advice to you over the past months has been for you to determine what your needs are for your students/program before opening your building to other programs, including child care providers.
Now, as most of you have worked through your various scenarios regarding how you will manage your own program, I am suggesting that you consider if you have space to allow child care providers who are licensed to operate in your facilities to be permitted to once again access your facilities, especially during these summer months.
With limited capacity at child care centers and our Essential Personnel School Age (EPSA) sites ending, there is a greater need for additional child care services. These licensed programs would provide full-day care, as well as help meet any before and after summer school care needs. Many of these providers also serve as camps.
Providers must follow the health department protocols listed on the MSDE website and also adhere to class size restrictions of a maximum of 15 total persons in one room. Please contact Dr. Carol Williamson with any questions.
View the official memo here.