FY 2019 State Coordinating Entity (SCE) Maryland Child Care Resource Centers Network (MCCRCN)
Deadline for submission: Friday, April 13, 2018
The purpose of this solicitation is to retain services from a non-profit organization with significant experience managing child care information and referral services for parents, providing professional development services for child care professionals, and providing technical assistance to improve the quality of child care services. The grantee shall act as the Statewide Coordinating Entity (SCE) overseeing operations of the regional Child Care Resource Centers (CCRCs). Together, these Centers make up the Maryland Child Care Resource Center Network (MCCRCN) to assure that required components are addressed as follows:
- Statewide services, including professional development and support for improving child care quality, must be available for the thirteen (13) Child Care Licensing Regions of the State (http://earlychildhood.marylandpublicschools.org/child-care-providers/lic...). This shall include services for licensed child care centers and providers serving infants and toddlers.
- The grantee/SCE shall provide statewide information and referral services to assist families with finding regulated child care that meets their needs.
- The SCE shall provide grant management, training, technical assistance, support, monitoring, and evaluation of services to the MCCRCN. The primary goal of the CCRCs is to address the needs of parents seeking quality early care and education programs and to improve capacity building for child care professionals and licensed child care programs. This includes strategic management support as well as leadership development for licensed child care center staff and registered family child care providers that participate in child care quality initiative programs to include the Maryland Child Care Credentialing program and licensed child care centers and registered family child care providers that participate in the Maryland EXCELS, the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS).
View the proposal at http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/about/Documents/Grants/RFP02262018/...
ALL MSDE GRANTS/REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS: http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/Grants/index.aspx