While high-quality child care and early education most directly affect children and their families, they are critical for any community to prosper. Parents and family members who have access to high-quality, consistent, affordable child care and early learning programs are better able to pursue employment and educational opportunities. Children who are in high-quality programs are better prepared when entering kindergarten and throughout their school years. They are more likely to become healthier, better educated adults who will make their own contributions to the community for years to come.
“We’re basically trying to change the construct and stop talking about K-12 and start talking about Birth-12.”
-- Arne Duncan, former U.S. Secretary of Education
Maryland EXCELS programs invite all members of the community to join in the work of building and sustaining high-quality early education and school age child care for all of Maryland. Organizations, businesses or individuals interested in supporting or spreading the word about Maryland EXCELS should contact the Maryland EXCELS administrator [info@marylandexcels.org] to learn how to help.
"Through Maryland EXCELS, we've been able to re-inform, re-inspire and re-invigorate our staff on an on-going basis.”
– Lynda Pollard, Program Director -- Silver Spring Presbyterian Children’s Center