Dear Providers,
Effective immediately, all child care providers will be required to complete an annual Provider Registration Form in order to receive payment from the Child Care Subsidy Program. Attached is a Provider Registration Form, please complete and return the form by July 30, 2019, in order to prevent payment delays or payment interruptions.
Without the completion of the attached Provider Registration form, it is not possible for the Office of Child Care to officially document tuition fees charged by each provider participating in the Child Care Scholarship program.
Please remember that Federal regulation prohibits providers from charging families eligible for the Child Care Scholarship with a child care tuition rate that is higher than private paying customers. In addition, please be reminded that the maximum provider reimbursement rate per payment region is based upon providers completing and returning the Market Rate Survey. If a subsequent Market Rate Survey or Provider Registration Form is mailed or emailed to you, please take the time to complete and return prior to the deadline.
Effective June 24, 2019, Child Care Scholarship benefit rates increased at minimum to the 30th percentile for each payment region, based upon the results of the April 2019 Market Rate Survey.