Judy Centers are located in all of Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City. There are currently 51 Judy Centers. They are serving approximately 18,0...
Judy Centers
Pages tagged with: Judy Centers
Research confirms that high quality care and education are critical to a child's future school success. A child's early experiences set the stage for...
Through collaborative partnerships with community agencies, organizations and businesses, Judy Center services are comprehensive with strong links to...
Judy Centers were written into Maryland law in May 2000 (Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, §5-215) and are important components of the ac...
Judy Centers are named after the late Judith P. Hoyer, an early childhood advocate and Supervisor of Early Childhood Education for Prince George's Cou...
From Western Maryland to the Eastern Shore and from Central to Southern Maryland, there’s a Judy Center Early Learning Hub to support children and th...
All Judy Centers must meet the following Component Standards deemed essential to impact children's school readiness positively. The Component Stand...
Community partnerships are the heart of the Judy Centers. Judy Centers serve all children birth through kindergarten. Most of the work of the Judy Cen...
Judy Center Early Learning Hubs prepare children for success in school and life. By connecting families with high-quality, comprehensive, full-day, fu...
Visit marylandjudycenters.org for more information about and to locate Judy Centers. Preparing Young Children for Success in School and in Life. What’...