Once your child and you have settled into your new child care routine, you still have an essential role in those hours when you are not with your child.
Here are some of the ways you can help:
- Talk, talk and talk some more with the care provider. Tell her how your child has been at drop-off time and then get a report about the day at pick-up time.
- If problems arise with the provider, be respectful and listen and know you are the one who is ultimately responsible for your child. Ask questions. Get answers.
- If possible, get involved with the program as you can: volunteer for special events, go to your child’s birthday party or help with a field trip.
- If issues arise that you cannot solve with the provider, know that you can contact the Office of Child Care to troubleshoot or to launch a complaint.
Hopefully the program you have chosen will prove to be a good match. However, if you just feel that it is not working out, you may choose to select a different program. Be aware of the policies your program has for terminating enrollment. While consistency in your child’s program is important, if a different setting or type of program may fit your child’s needs more appropriately, you are the person who can make that decision.
There is some letting-go in watching your child go off to child care - and then later off to school. But remember that your good work in selecting child care and early education programs is ultimately just another way for you to love your child.