Training Approval

Continuous improvement of the Maryland child and youth care workforce is essential for children, families, child care professionals and the community.

To ensure continual improvement, all child care trainers and training organizations must be approved by the Office of Child Care (OCC).

Each course or training session must be reviewed and approved prior to its delivery to the child care community. OCC has developed policies and procedures to guide all child care training in the following categories:

  • Pre-service
  • Core of Knowledge
  • Continued training

Submit your training proposal here.

Child Care Training Approval

  • Training Proposal Review

    When you have a training proposal, you must submit it to the Office of Child Care for review and approval. All proposals are then reviewed by the Training Proposal Review Committee on a bi-monthly basis using a published rubric.

    Depending on the category of training that you are proposing to offer, there are different goals and content areas. The following slides will help get you started. The Office of Child Care is more than happy to help you at any point during the proposal review process. We want great trainers just as much as you want to be a great trainer!

    Submit your training proposal here.

  • Pre-Service Training

    The goals for all pre-service training are to:

    • Introduce providers to the relevant service expectations
    • Establish a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for providers
    • Lay the groundwork for further in-service training
    • Produce child care providers who are more effective and satisfied in their work

    A pre-service curriculum should cover but is not limited to the following areas:

    • Child Growth and Development
    • Learning Activities and Materials
    • Health and Safety
    • Professional Development
    • Developing Family Partnerships
    • Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
  • Core of Knowledge and Continued Training

    Core of Knowledge and Continued training offers providers ongoing in-service development in identified domains.  Providers obtaining “Core of Knowledge” training can meet both yearly licensing requirements and advance through levels 1-4+ of the Maryland Child Care Credentialing Program of the Staff Credential as well as Levels 1 and 2 of the Administrative Credential.  Continued or Elective training can be applied towards some of the hours to meet licensing requirements or to maintain a credential level.

    This category of training must meet the following Core of Knowledge areas or domains:

    • Child Development/Observation, Screening and Other Assessment
    • Curriculum
    • Health, Safety, and Nutrition
    • Community
    • Professionalism/Effective Interactions/Program Administration
    • Special Needs